I've been playing with and learning about LVS for some time now and I
think its great !
So first of all a big thanks to everyone involved (I won't list names
'cause I'll probably miss someone out.)
I've started up a small company building custom Linux loadbalancers
using Linux/LVS/Heartbeat/Ldirectord and my own web based interface.
I'm currently in negotiations with a hardware appliance builder to
licence the software.. so I need to make sure they don't screw me over !
But I believe in the GPL (my wife is not so sure) so how do I protect my
work ?
So I'm thinking :
1) All source code should be protected by the GPL
2) My bootable ISO image is mine and don't nick it
2) But I'd still like people to be able to use the ISO as long as they
dont flog it (like SUSE).
So I came up with :
# Copyright Loadbalancer.org Limited 2002
# This text file is copyright Loadbalancer.org limited and must not be
re-distributed or sold without express permission of Loadbalancer.org
# The purpose of this is to allow Loadbalancer.org to distribute
licensed copies of our software and lower the risk of someone stealing
our hard work.
# We are taking a BIG RISK in allowing the source code to be fully GPL
and OpenSource because we believe it is the proper way to sell our services.
# Loadbalancer.org grants individuals the right to use copy and use this
file for NO ROYALTY
# You may also make as many backups as you require.
# This applies to any file containing this text, it does not effect the
source code which is protected by the GPL.
# The bootable ISO image of the loadbalancer.org appliance contains
software that is NOT PROTECTED BY THE GPL
# but is copyright Loadbalancer.org Limited 2002.
# i.e. many copies of this file hidden in various places to make it
difficult to remove a.k.a the Red Hat method.
Does anyone have any comments on this ?
I thought I'd better ask before I make the first ISO available for download.
Malcolm Turnbull.
Crocus.co.uk Ltd
01344 629629