> I used systemimager to clone one server of LVS, and used that
> image to build
> another server, in this case two servers' NIC got the same ip
> address ,
> although eth0 of two servers is assigned ip through DHCP,
> they still have
> the same ip address. How can I change the second server(some
> configuration
> file or what) so that eth0 will get another new ip address
> through dhcp. Thanks
DHCP works through MAC addresses. Working under the assumption that you
didn't use the same network card in both boxes or spoof the MAC address, it
should just be a matter of stopping networking, removing the client cache
file, then restarting networking. I use systemimager myself. I prefer to
use the floppy boot disks and use the config file to setup networking. DHCP
is so annoying sometimes.
BTW why are you using DHCP with LVS?