
Re: Confused noobie problem (slighly off-topic)

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Confused noobie problem (slighly off-topic)
From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 23:31:40 +0100
Hi Joe,

so drugphish is back on the internet? Good to see

Yep, it's alive and kicking, although we haven't moved everything yet.

will go fix up the text.

Cool, thanks. Sorry if I didn't explain it correctly the first time years ago ;).

o the basic problem with route/netstat -rn is, that they only see the
  main table, which is rather limited.

o iproute2 very well knows the notion of ip aliases by using labels just
like ifconfig.
I didn't realise this. I thought the idea was to abandon aliases/labels
and assign new interfaces for each IP. I assumed labels was backward
compatibility feature only.

Well, look at it this way: ifconfig gives you the (wrong) impression that eth0:0 is an interface just as others in the list of 'ifconfig -a', which is not true. The tools from the iproute2 package know it better and displays the correct entity relationship between aliases/labels and their corresponding physical interface.


laphish:~ # ifconfig -a | grep -A2 eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:E0:68:71:3A
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::220:e0ff:fe68:713a/64 Scope:Link
eth0:0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:E0:68:71:3A
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
eth0:foo  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:E0:68:71:3A
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
laphish:~ #

Sure, one could argue that all HWaddr of those "interfaces" are the same and thus something with the interpretation of them being _real_ physical interfaces must be fishy. But it gives you the wrong idea of connection or entity relationship between link and ip layer.

Now let's compare the same output for iproute2:

laphish:~ # ip addr show dev eth0
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
    link/ether 00:20:e0:68:71:3a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
    inet brd scope global eth0:foo
    inet brd scope global eth0:0
    inet brd scope global eth0
    inet6 fe80::220:e0ff:fe68:713a/64 scope link
laphish:~ #

As you can see we have a physical interface (link layer entity) called eth0 and associated with this interface we have 5 (not 4 like with ifconfig) IP addresses. And you can certainly well spot the labels which in ifconfig were displayed as independant interfaces at the end of each line starting with inet, right?

Plus there you certainly noted that in the second output we have one additional address which was not shown in the ifconfig output but is very well routable and _is_ a valid configuration. I simply didn't want to put an alias there.

It's then better understandable that tools like ipchains and iptables and their underlying state machine are better off matching for ip addresses and the _one_ physical interface those are attached to then trying to fiddle around with a label that is optional and doesn't give you real valuable information. Additionally with iproute2 you have a better approach to conceptional integrity which is one of the key ingredients of architectures in that you say that even if I have multiple addresses for one interface I still send out the packet through the physical interface and not through a labeled, aliased or virtual interface.

ifconfig is the best example of a "hiding complexity" tool and hiding complexity is a concept the software industry has not yet reached to the extend we can trust on, and thus ifconfig is broken by design.

The reasons why people still use those deprecated tools are:

o All other Unices still have those and it worked reliably for 10+ years
o Most Linux Distributors except (notably) SuSE haven't switched their
  network setup to the iproute2 concept yet.
o Documentation was seriously lacking and the tools are ... uhmm to a
  certain degree complex and incoherent in their syntax and semantics.

It's not up to the tool to decide if labels work or

  not. The misconception people have with ip aliasing is that people
  think an aliased interface is a logically separated interface while
  it is _not_. And this is the case since 2.1.128 or so.

o ipchains doesn't recognize alias neither because since the _2.2.x_
  kernel we moved to the iproute2 architecture, not in the 2.4.x as
  the howto lists.

will fix, I don't remember when the changeover occured.

Between 2.1.126 and 2.1.138 IIRC but this is years ago and my brain normally works on a circular buffer with 24 hours of capacity.

  + if you add secondary ip addresses without a label (alias interface)
    ifconfig is confused and doesn't print the information

As shown pretty effectively above.

  + if you add rules for branching into different routing tables than
    the main routing table, route or netstat -rn will not show you those
    routes. This also the case for blackhole, throw, unreachable and
    prohibit routes.

my problem with iproute2 is the horrible syntax.
It's impossible to script. All this other stuff is fine by me.

Look at my script and you'll see that it's really almost not scriptable. I had to solve it by writing really gross bash constructs and by using external tools ;).

BUT, it solves some of architectural principles, such as separation of concern, correctness, flexibility, conceptional integrity, coupling and cohesion! You are given two tools to maintain almost everything network related. (I'm aware that iptables/netfilter and mii-tool, ethtool are also network related)

If you guys are interested I'll offer my first semi-official release of
some of the replacement tools I've written for ifconfig/route. You can
download them from (just uploaded):
great. I'll put it in the HOWTO

Ok, but the link might change if I find time to put it to a more appropriate place on

Cheers mate,
Roberto Nibali, ratz
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