
RE: LVS & UM 1.0.10 RH 9 HTTP POST request greater than ~1000

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: LVS & UM 1.0.10 RH 9 HTTP POST request greater than ~1000
From: "Chris Paul" <Chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 15:30:41 -0000
Jacob wrote:
> Decreasing the MTU with this bug only causes more problems; it causes the
> packets to fragment MORE often.  I see that Mr. Paul has done a more detail
> analysis later on.

How true. But how do I fix it then? Basically, I want a quick fix / MTU change 
that I can use until I can rebuild the Kernel.

Reberto wrote:
> I cannot tell at the moment; also I didn't read the whole thread. I just 
> answered to Horms. I now see your problem and I agree with Julian that we 
> need 
> to see a tcpdump.

The problem is I can not reproduce the error. We only have a small number of 
technical customers who are having trouble, but I can only go so far when it 
comes to asking them to debug our services.

I am curious, the IP tunnel is created by the realserver. Am I correct in 
assuming the MTU reduction needs to be done on only the real servers? I have 
now set the MTU for all the interfaces on the director to 1500 and the MTU for 
the IP tunnels to 1400.

If this works then problem solved. If it doesn't then I will have to think 

If this is horribly wrong then please tell me. Another thing I am curious about 
What makes it fail on some machines and not others when posting exactly the 
data? Does it have anything to do with the length of the ip address? 
i.e. will fail but, will work?

Very strange. Anyways, thanks for the input guys. At least I know its not a 
database problem!


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