
Re: Topology help please

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Topology help please
From: Laurent Neiger <Laurent.Neiger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:46:11 +0100

Salvatore D. Tepedino wrote:
On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 03:49, Laurent Neiger wrote:

Is it possible to have this topology using LVS (possibly with heartbeat, fake, mon, ...) or with another vitual server ?
Yes (as Joe pointed out). I've set one up before and it works well.
Here's a page that explains how it's done. (Note: You do not have to use
the ultramonkey packages if you don't want to. I didn't and it worked
Thank you very much Salvatore. I would like to thank Joseph too, for his answer. 
I was about to post again to ask him how could I achieve such a model, now I 
know it is possible as it was done, but your message provided me all the hints I 
need to start. The doc located on Ultra Monkey is detailled, that's perfect.
In fact I had a look at Ultra Monkey but I wasn't able to find this topology out 
of the ones listed on the web site when I searched. I found HA, LB, HA w/ LB, 
but no Streamline HA & LB among the others by the past. Now I see it, so I'm 
sorry if it was a dummy question.
An additional question : could you tell me if according to you it is a bad idea 
to have such an architecture in production ? Versus HA w/ LB, there is twice 
less machines, decreasing total cost and possible hardware failures, space 
required, heat production, ... Am I wrong ?
Have a nice day and thanks again,

Best regards,


# Laurent Neiger  |  Centre Reseau & Informatique Commun    #
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# CNRS Grenoble   |  mailto:Laurent.Neiger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #

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