
RE: hidden patch for 2.4.9 (was Re: easy question/notaseasyquestion)

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: hidden patch for 2.4.9 (was Re: easy question/notaseasyquestion)
From: "Francois JEANMOUGIN" <Francois.JEANMOUGIN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 10:20:34 +0100

Joseph Mack:
> How about if you can't find something, you tell me where you expected it
> to be?
> I can put in links or move it.

Well, if you ask, what comes to my lind is :

- When you talk about this useful but awful configure script, add a note about 
using keepalived.conf to manage the director configuration. (I didn't check if 
it is not already the case, sorry :))).
- When you talk about the hidden patch, always add a note about the noarp 
module (which seems much more easy and flexible to me, especially now that the 
LVS code is native in linux kernels).

Ho, and, I really _thank__you_ for all your work on the docs, those are really 
useful and of high quality.


P.S.: Do you all know that LVS code is used by open-iss, the new HP ISS under 
GPL tool? They use part of the TrueCluster code for virtualization, but for the 
network parts, they choose LVS. That's goooood. 

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