
Re: problem getting vrrp to work in very simple setup

To: Nathan Neulinger <nneul@xxxxxxx>, <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: problem getting vrrp to work in very simple setup
Cc: keepalived-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Alexandre Cassen <Alexandre.Cassen@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 22:48:13 +0100
Hi Nathan,

What is necessary to get LVS syncd functionality to work? Does your syncd patch need to be applied or will it work without it?

Setting the lvs syncd interface seems to get ka to start the ipvs syncd thread in the kernel, but I don't ever see any traffic sent over the network that would indicate it's trying to keep the other director up to date.

If your syncd patch does need applied, is there a clean way of getting it into 2.4.24, since it already has ipvs included?

On 2.4 kernel you need the patch if you want to support syncd for active/active conf. Keepalived only send sockopt to kernel so if IPVS is patched VRRP will be able to drive syncd for active/active.

I need to refresh this patch for new kernel. Will do, I have currently a devel task on Keepalived to find a bug in 1.1.5 code... Will release syncd patch after.

Best regards,

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