
Not understanding some behavior

To: "' users mailing list.'" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Not understanding some behavior
From: "Randy Paries" <randy.paries@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 12:58:32 -0500

I have a question if this is correct  behavior

I have a LVS_DR setup

1 director 2 real servers

My will be at the bottom of the email

A couple of things I needed to do was
1) have persistence because of some tomcat/application issues.
2) modify my netmask because a large majority of my customers are AOL users

My two real servers are flanders and krusty.
So the behavior I am seeing is that when initially connect I can watch the
http access logs and see that I am going to krusty. When I do a ipvsadm
--list both nodes have a 1 by the router

ipvsadm --list
IP Virtual Server version 1.0.10 (size=65536)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP wlc persistent 1800 mask
  -> local.krusty:http            Route   1      0          0         
  -> local.flanders:http          Route   1      0          0         
  -> backup:http                  Local   0      0          0         

Now if I take down the http server on krusty and do a ipvsadm --list I get
ipvsadm --list
IP Virtual Server version 1.0.10 (size=65536)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP wlc persistent 1800 mask
  -> local.krusty:http            Route   0      0          0         
  -> local.flanders:http          Route   1      0          0         
  -> backup:http                  Local   0      0          0        

But If I try to go to the web server I get page not found. But if I restart
Krusty is no longer listed and I now go to flanders successfully.

Thanks for any insight.


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