
Re: [PATCH 1/2] Syncd Strong authentication extension

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] Syncd Strong authentication extension
Cc: keepalived-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kjetil Torgrim Homme <kjetilho@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 02:17:42 +0200
On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 23:39 +0200, Alexandre Cassen wrote:
> At 20:20 15/04/2004, Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
> >there is a replay attack here, if it works as stated.  server A has been
> >running for a long time, keeping server B up to date, and malicious user
> >M is able to capture a packet.  server A has to reboot, and starts
> >counting at 0.  the malicious user injects the old packet, and server B
> >will accept it, but drop new legitimate packets until the old high
> >watermark has been reached.
> If A stop sending B will keep seq-num tracked to n. If A stop, B still UP 
> and syncd still in BACKUP state, so if M is sending seq_num m < n it will 
> simply drop datagram since already played. Syncd is not an election 
> protocol, syncd state is not FSM drived, it stay stuck in the state we 
> configure it. If master syncd stop sending backup syncd must be restarted. 
> This can be done automatically but IMHO, it is just preferable to leave 
> admin the decision to restart syncd. If we go ahead ones can suggest to 
> change ICV key each time syncd is restarted... this is security politics 
> point here.

thank you for the explanation, I understand much better now.

> BTW, we can extend BACKUP state seq_num reset if no syncd datagram have 
> been received for a while but this will expose to replay attack. I done 
> this in a first devel step, but IMHO this is less secure than leaving admin 
> decision.

I agree, that is not a good solution.

> OTOH, the syncd restart can be drived by another FSM drived 
> election mecanism like VRRP, that way admin will trust VRRP election.

it can also be done outside the protocol by keeping a list of
pre-generated ICV keys which is shared between the participants.  the
admin would have to refill the list occasionally as a key is consumed
every time the master is switched.  it seems to me VRRP is sufficient to
signal when switch-over should happen.  doing this signalling in the
syncd protocol as well will make it possible to get inconsistencies or
race conditions.

Kjetil T.

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