Thank you four your quick reply.
> Several gratuitous ARP packets are sent so if the first one doesn't make
> it hopefully the next one will. You can configure both the number of ARP
> packets that are sent, and the time between sending them.
Can you tell me how to configure the number of ARP packets and interval?
I had red man page of heartbeat and template of, but couldn't find
this argument.
I'm sorry to trouble you with simple question.
> Actually that was my original design. I did that to gaurd against the
> situation where some half-dead node can respond to ARP. The overhead
> of sending a gratuitous ARP every second or so is pretty low. But
> it is probably more trouble than it is worth. Particularly in the
> situation where the node sending the gratuitous ARP packets
> malfunctions.
Yes, I understand your suggestion that it may cause some trouble with
half-dead node. I would like to solve the problem to set the heartbeat
nodes to broadcast the gratuitous arp more longer when failover occurs.
Thank you!