
Re: Keepalived/ipvs web graphs

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, d.kruyt@xxxxx
Subject: Re: Keepalived/ipvs web graphs
From: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 08:04:40 -0400
Dennis Kruyt wrote:


Can you give me a bit of a lesson on snmp? 

I've looked at the UCD-snmp package several times and not worked out what's 
going on.
I can compile and install it but have no idea how to use it from the
docs. I don't understand SNMP real well either which I'm sure doesn't help.

I know there's managers and agents, but lets call them client and server for
my sanity. To snmp an ethernet card, disk (or the output of ipvsadm) you will 
need something (agent?) that watches that piece of hardware (the hardware
snmp server?). You will also need something to collect the information from 
the watchers (the snmp client?). 

I seem to remember finding an snmpd in the UCD-snmp package, but nothing to
watch an ethernet card. Is the snmpd collecting data from watchers or is
it the watcher? Presumably then you need some way of plotting the snmp info.
I remember reading the docs for MRTG and it said that MRTG had its own
implementation of snmp, but I didn't understand how to set up MRTG either.

Any help here would be appreciated.

Thanks Joe

Joseph Mack PhD, High Performance Computing & Scientific Visualization
LMIT, Supporting the EPA Research Triangle Park, NC 919-541-0007
Federal Contact - John B. Smith 919-541-1087 - smith.johnb@xxxxxxx
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