On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 01:34:46PM -0400, Ed Walsh wrote:
> My directors are built on Redhat 7.3 using the UltraMonkey RH7.3 kernels.
> My web servers are built on Redhat 9 but the kernel is replaced by using
> UltraMonkey RH7.3 kernels that are on the same on the Directors.
> It all works with no problems. My question is should I be using the
> UltraMonkey RH9 kernels for my RH9 Webservers or is staying with UM RH7.3 is
> the right thing to do?
As of about 2 months ago the Ultra Monkey kernels for RH7.3, RH8.0 and RH9
are _exactly_ the same. Actually, they are the same files.
Prior to that I had maintained separate kernels. However as none of
these kernels are mainatianed by the vendor any more I took some time
to examine exactly what the differences were. I satisfied myself
that they were very small and decided to use the vendor supplied
RH9 as the basis for the UltraMonkey for each of these distributions.
The patches that I have added are detailed in the changelog and
mainly relate to secrity fixes and patches that are specific to LVS.
That said, if you were to have a variety of kernels you needed to
use for some reason, that should work just fine.