Hi all,
I am trying to figure out how to fit LVS and KTCPVS together to do
some context based load balancing and I'm currious if anyone has set
this up or can give me some pointers.
Right now I have a number of pools of real servers which hosts are being
sent to based off of firewall marks. We are using DR and iptables
prerouting tagging to set the firewall marks and then ldirector is
handling the ivps management.
What I am trying to figure out how to do, is to keep the level 4 stuff
we have functioning happily while adding a new type of service into the
mix which is a combination of different pools. For instance, when
someone requests a php page, I'd like them to hit the php pool, when
someone requests a jsp page, they'd go to the jsp pool, and the same for
cold fusion.. so, with KTCPVS it seems pretty streight forward for
scheduling for a single vip, however I am confused as to how to send
this to a pool of servers (hopefully being able to use the persistence
of ipvs).
has anybody done this before, is this even possible ?
Also, for anyone who is using KTCPVS, what kind of performance and load
are you seeing on your scheduler.