
Re: Can realserver be in different subnet against directorserver?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Can realserver be in different subnet against directorserver?
From: Todd Lyons <tlyons@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 09:57:19 -0700
cwinl wanted us to know:

>> If you have it, is it loaded?  It's also possible that you compiled it
>> into your kernel instead of as a module.  If so, you should see its
>> output in dmesg from when the kernel boots up.  If you are using a stock
>Yes,i build my kernel myself and i compile ip_vs_ftp into my kernel.
>Accessories are my kernel config file and dmesg file.
>Please help me check what's wrong.

I've never used ftp through ipvs so I'm not going to be much help.  I'll
google around, but I don't know anything off the top of my head.
Regards...              Todd
  We should not be building surveillance technology into standards.
  Law enforcement was not supposed to be easy.  Where it is easy, 
  it's called a police state.             -- Jeff Schiller on NANOG
Linux kernel 2.6.3-16mdkenterprise   2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.08, 0.08
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