
Local Load balancing - multiple services per IP

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Local Load balancing - multiple services per IP
Cc: malcom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Sergio Freire <sergio-s-freire@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 10:16:06 +0000
lets see if I can explain better. I would like to have different
instances of some service running on different ports, but on the same
machine, because for some reason they are different somehow:

 - lets say that one instance uses a local database while other instance
uses a remote database, this is just hypotethic, another case would be
one instance running on some partition of the hard disk and the other
instance running on another disk; another more realistic scenario would
be having several web servers on the same machine and we want to make
some load balancing between them.

Is it possible to configure this? Several real servers (which point to
the same IP) with different ports associated with the service?
In this case i would have to user masquerade right?
What would be a config like?

Is this  a possible one (because it does not work for me)?

       real= masq
       real= masq
       real= masq

Thanks for your time.
Sérgio Freire

>Why would you want 1 VIP to map to 1 RIP but different ports ?
>Doesn't make sense (well not to me any way)
>You can use firewall marks if you want DR or TUN, it will also help if 
>what you actually want is those ports to be treated as a group i.e.
>you wanted all conections to 6001,6002,6003 to be persistently bound to 
>one real server (which would make more sense ?)

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