We have currently 4 powerful machines with 4 virtual CPU's each and
RHAS30. Current we run LVS DR and on each systems is an active squid
instance. Unfortunately squid doesn't scale well on SMP systems. To
improve the performance I want to run additional squid instances on
virtual ip addresses and different ports. The loopback interface would be
able to serve the requests but they can't be addressed by the LVS
director. The VIP Port can't be changed. I found an interesting hint from
Francois Jeanmougin by using Port NAT with iptables on the Real Server:
realserver:/# /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d VIP -p tcp -m tcp
--dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination VIP
But this doesn't solve my problem. This rules makes pnat to all packets
destined to VIP:Port and already before it is decided which vitrtual
interface to use eth0:0 or eth0:1.
Any idea how to solve my problems ?
Different approaches are appreciated as well.