Kernel: 2.6.9-5.0.3.ELsmp (rh es4)
Ipvsadm: v1.24 2003/06/07 (compiled with popt and IPVS v1.2.0)
Keepalived: v1.1.11
rr works, since it just swings from side to side,wlc, lc dont.
The setup is like this.
2 servers of which one is director and realserver the other one is just
Let's name them s1/s2 and s2 has director on it. When i freshly start it
looks like this - which is cool.
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP 82.149.xx.xx:80 wlc
-> Local 100 0 0
-> Route 100 0 0
After 25 successful connects to httpd it looks like this. s2 serverd 24
of them s1 - 1 [first one].
-> Local 100 0 24
-> Route 100 1 0
Then thing is that when first packet arrives its routed to s1,
ActiveConn increases, but does not de-crease when the connection is
closed therefore next connection is handled by s2 since it has lower
ActiveConn. Every time i exceed ActiveConn of s1 on s2 one gets to s1..
If i shut down (http) service on s2 then all traffic is routed to s1 -
expected, but ActiveConn keeps rising.
RR works since it doesnt care about how many which server has.
Keepalived works ok also (changing weight when server is up/down)
On 2.4 i didn't have this problems.
Any suggestions on what should i do/check/change ?
Samo Gabrovec <samo@xxxxxxx>