If a Windows Real Server is not setup with a loopback. What will the
results be?
-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Turnbull [mailto:malcolm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 9:41 AM
To: LinuxVirtualServer.org users mailing list.
Subject: Windows loopback setup tool...
Brads email reminded me that we have a small .net based tool to setup
the loopback adpater for DR mode on windows 2000/2003 web servers.
The idea was to install the loopback & setup as many VIPs as required
and then
set the netmask to But from testing we've found that
windows will
sometimes stop responding to the load balancers RIP (for health checks),
whereas if you use a netmask
of Windows ignores this route because it looks for the
smallest subnet in the routing table first i.e. you (or
whaterver your using for your RIP.)
The small utility requires the .net framework 1.1.
When you start it click on the red warning 'no adapter found' to install
the loopback
Then add as many VIPs as you want and click save.
Slightly pointless for anyone who knows what they are doing, but someone
may find it usefull.
You can download binary and source here :
NB. The one marked BETA will set the netmask to (if
thats what you want)
Malcolm Turnbull.
Loadbalancer.org Limited
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