On Sun, 24 Jul 2005, peter wrote:
I have two boxes that are also trying to be firewalls, load balancers and
provide high
availability via keepalived.
Either box alone works, but if I have keepalived running on both they get
into a non-stop effort to force new elections.
Both boxes are 64bit (x86_64 AMD Opteron(tm)) with a 2.6.12-gentoo-r4 kernel
running Keepalived v1.1.11 all compiled at the same time.
They seemed to work once for a bit, then started failing.
I suspect failed multicasting between them, but cant determine what traffic
actually has to get passed on which interfaces when...
(Other thoughts are uint8 vs int instances of priority in vrrp.c - I am on a
64 bit processor?
Configuration confusion - I'm a newbie at this.)
Sound like you may be blocking VRRP packets -