Thanks Horms for the explaination. I will check out and test my
stuff on it.
The flush functionality I am talking about is to flush the active
connections (I guess your argument is that my problem of hanging
connections will taken care of in But, the default UDP
connection timeout is also 300 sec and due to that the connection
template on director stays active for 5 minutes. So, any future messages
from the same client always goes to the the same real server. I sometime
during testing want to flush these connections and start over afreash,
which I could not do because of this 300 sec delay in connection
I was trying to put an explaination that ipvsadm communicates with ipvs
using raw sockets (I guess) and there are socket options provided by
ipvs for application layer like ipvsadm to call functions in ipvs. There
is a already a fucntion implemented in ipvs which flushes all the active
connections. I was trying to say, why not add a socket option in ipvs
for ipvsadm to call this function and flush all the connections. I think
it will be a helpful addition to ipvsadm. There is already a feature in
ipvsadm (option -C), which flsuhes all the rules. So why not all a
feature to flush all the active connection as well?
Ashish Jain