> OK. Here we go for more information.
> NTP is a RFC (1305 and precedents) known to provide some
> interesting mathematic formulas. Those Mathematics are used to
> ieduced the real time using both a synchronized clock (a strate N
> server) and the time used by the packets to go from the ntp server
> to the ntp client.
> My own experience is that ntpd si less ressource consuming than ntpdate,
> because it learns about your network. Ntpdate has to learn about the
> network
> times on each call.
I've disabled ntpdate (which ran every hour), set the time correctly and
immediately ran ntpd. I'll check in an hour or so if it's still synced.
> If your windows servers do not have this problem, it is probably because
> they are at least W2000 ones using an AD. The AD connection provides an
> ntp like protocol to synchornize the servers.
Yep. All Win2k using AD.
> François.
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