On Tue 22 Nov 2005 09:13:24 GMT , Francois Taillandier
<francois.taillandier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I read the "How does work LVS DR", and effectively, it should work,
but I just wanted to know if anyone had tested it before.
I'm using keepalived and LVS-NAT with 802.1q VLAN tagging and It Just
Works. As long as the VLAN interfaces are up there's no difference
between a dot1q interface and a normal untagged ethernet one, as far as
I can see.
I can't see that there would be any difference with LVS-DR - 802.1q
VLANs are simply additional layer 2 infrastructure, and as long as it's
built correctly (physically and logically) the layer 3 stuff (and
above) on top will be fine.