On Thu 01 Dec 2005 12:48:28 GMT , John Line <jml4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We're not using NAT, but the current SLES9 kernel is 2.6.5-7.201,
which could be enough to include old bugs for which SuSE's not
back-ported fixes.
Here's a random idea: if you don't have the lvs debug sysctl in /proc
(/proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/debug_level) then recompile your kernel - not
too familiar with SLES I'm afraid, so no pointers there :) - and ensure
that IP_VS_DEBUG=y.
Reboot the director with the debug kernel, turn on debugging (start
with 'echo "3" >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/debug_level' and work up or
down according to how much detail you want) and follow the logs.
It should give you an idea of why your kernel is exhibiting the bug; it
can however be *very* noisy (I ran a system at debug 5 for one hour
last year and generated a phenomenal amount of data, hundreds of MB) so
be prepared for a hunt. Hopefully you'll see why the ip_rt_bug is being
hit, or at the very least *where* the transactions are failing in
relation to normality. That way you might find out which additional
patch is needed.