On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 17:58 -0400, Mike Borsuk wrote:
> Does anyone have a working keepalived.conf they'd like to share which has
> at least two virtual_server blocks which refer to the same VIP?
> Keepalived sets everything up fine for me as long as I only declare one
> service per IP. As soon as I add another then one of two things happens:
> The healthchecker fails or, the healthcheck succeeds but instead of adding
> a new service, another realserver is added to the first virtual_server.
> For instance, if I have:
> virtual_server 22 {
> delay_loop 10
> lb_algo rr
> lb_kind NAT
> protocol TCP
> real_server 22 {
> TCP_CHECK { connect_timeout 3 }
> }
> }
> virtual_server 80 {
> delay_loop 10
> lb_algo rr
> lb_kind NAT
> protocol TCP
> real_server 80 {
> TCP_CHECK { connect_timeout 3 }
> }
> }
This is because your TCP_CHECK lines are not formatted correctly. This
is a parsing issue with keepalived.
virtual_server 80 {
delay_loop 10
lb_algo rr
lb_kind NAT
protocol TCP
real_server 80 {
connect_timeout 3
Look at the last page of the manual.
Brad Dameron
SeaTab Software