> I don't recommend that you use kssl.
> Because kssl needs the vanilla kernel(2.4.26 or maybe later ) and
> the kernel patch, and a redhat support isn't received to you.
> Besides, kssl needs the specific SSL accelerrator(AEP1000L) for high
> performance.
> Sadly, AEP1000L became manufacturing discontinuance.
> The main functionality of kssl is reverse proxy with SSL support.
> So you can substitute a revese proxy software for kssl.
> For example, Apache(mod_proxy+mod_ssl), Squid, Delegate, Pound etc.
I have additional information about the matter above.
You can substitute "nCipher nFast Ultra SSL card" etc for kssl+AEP1000L.
The SSL card can expect much higher performance than
kssl(using multipurpose CPU only) without AEP1000L.
Best regards,
Hideaki Kondo