I am using ipvsadm 1.24 (compiled with getopt_long and IPVS 1.2.1) on a Linux Kernel (SuSE pro 9.3 patch-update April 2006).
We are doing load-balancing for http with DR/WLC and had a persistency of
one hour. After we raised the persistency to 8 hours and later reduced it to
3 hours we ran into a strange problem:
After some time "ipvsadm -Lc" does not show any connections, while all
connections go to only one real server (the other real server is not
contacted any longer).
The weight of both real-servers is about 36690 mostly the same all the time.
We are using lvs-kiss to check the load and availability of the
real-servers, which in turn adjusts the weigth of the real servers or
disables them when down.
Is this behaviour known?
IMHO this smells like some table-overflow...
Kind regards, Nils