
Re: max persistance time?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: max persistance time?
From: "Joseph T. Duncan" <duncan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 13:10:43 -0700 (PDT)

real server kills off the active (but idle) desktop+applications in 1 day (there is a active but idle session autologout after x time setting on the real servers) these clients are the troublesome ones cause if they login a few times they will wind up with a active but idle desktop+application session on each real server

are these idle processes being a resource hog? If not, can you just put up with an app in a deranged but otherwise harmless state?

2 bad things can happen..

applications can be running full bore (think long batch type jobs.. and use a 100% of a cpu, user processes are limited to a single cpu on the real servers, with 4 cpus avalible per real server) this isnt bad, but come finals week a single user eating up a cpu per real server it could be fun ;p

last write wins.. if a client had something open in the orphaned session on a real server. Then gets a new desktop session on an diffrent real server, makes chages to a document, logs out correctly, then the orphaned session dies/closes.. they might loose work, or have their windows profile corrupted.

hopefully the keepalive settings will mitigate this ;)

Can you differentiate the sessions you don't want from the ones that you want to stay idle? eg look in netstat to see if you have multiple sessions from one IP? (probably won't work, a whole bunch of people could be coming in through a proxy).

not really.. on campus we have some wireless labs and wireless access that are behind a nat-proxy. (inside its 10.x.x.x i dont know what the exit/real ip is for the proxy stuff)

also I dont know how to test for an idle connection on the director... there is a windows management tool that reports idle time but I am not aware of mib/snmp way to export that information

I could make the active but idle timeout on the real servers much lower. but that would lead to unhappy proffessors that leave themselfs logged in overnight on weekdays.

Info:                           Email:
Joseph T. Duncan                duncan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
109 Kidder Hall
Corvalis Or 97333

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