Hi all,
I have a linux director running ldirectord pointing to 5 real web
servers. ldirectord.cf checkinterval is set at 10, checktimeout is at 5
and authreload is set to yes.
My questions is, with ldirectord.cf configured to have all 5 real
servers in rotation (quiescent=yes), when I run ipvsadm to manually take
4 server out of rotation (say, server02 through server05) by setting the
weight to 0, will ldirectord automatically put the yanked servers back
in the rotation? I am assuming that ldirectord _should not_ put
server02 through server05 back in rotation, but I am seeing the yanked
servers would be back on rotation anywhere between 5 minutes to a day.
Perhaps this is triggered by other events unrelated to ldirectord?
Your feedbacks are greatly appreciated.