by today I have though a little bit on that...
but my idea was having weigthed checks... so
-1 = NOK
0 = OK default weight
1 = OK weight 1
2 = OK weight 2
100 = weight 100
so, you can make checks returning a value depending on the load ( you will see
if it's a delay, the cpu usage or whatever ).. and then, the ldirectord
should assign it
sounds interesting since jeremy seems to have lost some thing while he
was house moving. :)
*G* so where's the patch ? ;)
and what about the scripts to deliver data about load etc ?
I thought about this, too a while ago.
My conclusion was to get several factors like cpu - cycles, Wait/IO,
memfree etc and give the user
the ability to give i.e. Wait/IO 60% what means - if wa is up to 100
percent the server should've only a
weight of maybe 40 if 100 was normal. If cpu is busy, too with 60% and
cpucycles was weighted with 25%
then we've got load 75% so only 25 points ... and so on
what do you mean ?