
Re: active-active only works with kernel 2.4.26?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: active-active only works with kernel 2.4.26?
From: Michael Spiegle <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:45:15 -0800
My thoughts exactly!  It doesn't seem like it should be possible, but
Horms sure knows his stuff.  Maybe he can chime in and elaborate on
those details?

Michael Spiegle

Roberto Nibali wrote:
>>>> I just just built 2 fresh gentoo boxes for testing active-active. 
>>>> I had
>>> How is active-active possible
>> it's Horms experimental code called Saru. He explained it at OLS one
>> year you didn't come.
> Downloaded and printed, will read this weekend. Although, if Horms
> engineers something it's most likely flying anyway. So I just have to
> understand how he cheated the TCP stack this time :). I see some
> netfilter related stuff in it and I wonder if (from what I've seen)
> his approach works for 2.6.x kernels with proper TCP state tracking,
> TSO and USO? In 2.4.x where netfilter is mostly broken with regard to
> TCP state tracking, such quirks might be possible.
> Cheers mate,
> Roberto Nibali, ratz

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