
Re: Why doesn't -d clear the persistent routing/timeout info?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Why doesn't -d clear the persistent routing/timeout info?
From: Mark Swanson <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 15:55:04 -0500
Horms wrote:
On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 04:50:35PM -0500, Mark Swanson wrote:

I have a question regarding persistent connections.
When I take a machine offline via:
/sbin/ipvsadm -d -t machineA:http -r machineB:http

Everything works mostly fine. If I click 'reload' on a browser window that had previously connected to machineB it hangs, but clicking 'reload' again connects to a different machine in the cluster and all is well.

However, after I'm done doing maintenance on machineB and I bring it back online via:
/sbin/ipvsadm -a -t machineA:http -r machineB:http -m -w 1

Then the machine instantly has 65 ActiveConn, 138 InActConn. It's as if the persistent connection information wasn't removed when I did ipvsadm -d previously.

If I wanted the persistent connection information to be cleared for a particular machine that I've deleted, is there a way to do that?

Setting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/expire_quiescent_template to a non-zero
value might help, though I'm surprised that you see the behaviour that
you describe. Are you sure that it is related tp presistence? How long

Well, I was just guessing...

are you taking the real-server offline for? Perhaps it is just finding

It was for less than a minute, but I don't remember exactly - I will carefully note the time in the future.

the old connections in the trash, in which case its probably not

I suspect you are right.
I've since noticed that deleting a real server doesn't disconnect/re-route established connections (which is fine, and preferred). My process is to let all established connections finish, so whatever I was noticing before would not have been established connections (trash?).

something to worry about. Inspecting ipvsadm -L -c -n should throw some
light on it - for each connection entry, if the source port for the
source host is 0, then its related to persistance, otherwise its not.

Thanks for the tip - I will try that out, and have added that to my personal notes.
Thanks for responding.


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