On 20/12/2006 09:10, Kalpin Erlangga Silaen wrote:
Is it possible to make LVS listen only for hostname and not for IP ? For
example, I was create LVS and work very well with VIP and I
have setup www.abc.com to this IP. Now, I just want allow people to open
http://www.abc.com. If they open they will redirect
to other site ?
The answer to the first question is "no".
The answer to the second question is "it depends".
LVS is a router. It is not application aware. In your case, if you had
(for example) only one website on your realservers with hostname
www.abc.com, and this was the default site, then going to the IP address
will display the site for www.abc.com.
If you configure your webserver appropriately, you can do all sorts of
things depending on the host visitors request. This is, however, all
done at the webserver and not via LVS.