On Tue, 8 May 2007, Mansoor Ali wrote:
I have setup the LVS based on LVS-NAT configuration. When outside host tries
to access the Real Servers than they are going through the Virtual IP
successfully. When Real Servers originate the traffic to the outside host
than it is not going through the Virtual IP. On my router i see that the
traffic is coming from the IP of Real Host.
Does anyone help in this regard. I want the every traffic coming in or going
out must go through the Virtual IP.
Pleae edit your postings. You have content irrelevent to
this question to three layers deep following your question.
Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
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