On Wednesday 16 May 2007 09:24:00 Osvaldo Alvarez Pozo wrote:
> how do i do to make the load balancer using ipsvadm? knowing that my
> load balancer and the real serveur sare in the same network?
> thanks
> Osvaldo
Well, it's quite easy:
ipvsadm -A -t load_balancer_IP:port -s rr
where -s is the schedule you want to use, for instance, rr is Round Robin,
take a look at the man for further information
To set up the real servers just:
ipvsadm -a -t -r load_balancer_IP:port real_server_IP:port -m
ipvsadm -a -t -r load_balancer_IP:port real_server_IP:port -m
This is a basic sample of how to do that by using ipvsadm, I'd suggest you to
read the man page of ipvsadm to understand what are all the option meanings
in order to adapt it to your own topology and needes.
All the best
Manuel Arostegui Ramirez.
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