On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 03:38:35PM -0300, Aslan Carlos wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I was did a loadbalance with 4 entries to STMP service (25/tcp) , using
> wlc, but I see when the ipvs starts the machine's loadavg go to 2.00 and
> be constant while the IPVS are running, but this machine don't have any
> connection yet at ipvs.
> I'm runinng Mandriva Spring 2007.1
> with :
> - ipvsadm-1.24-4mdv2007.1
without knowing which kernel you're running, I suspect that you're
running the ipvs sync daemons (ipvs_syncmaster and ipvs_syncbackup
kernel threads) with a kernel <2.6.20. In older kernels the code uses an
uninterruptible sleep, leading to a constant load of 2.00, 1.00 for the
master daemon and 1.00 for the backup daemon.
The issue has been fixed with the following commit: