
[lvs-users] Problem with return to client

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lvs-users] Problem with return to client
From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 00:30:29 -0500
I am running Cent/OS 4.x with Kernel 2.6.x

I have setup two load balancers with a hot standby configuration.

I have setup three web servers as real servers.

Everything is setup, works and connects with one key exception.

The configuration is LVS/NAT so the real servers should redirect back  
to the Load Balancer and then to the client but they don't.

Now I can say

- In a TCP dump on the Load Balancer, I can see the traffic going from  
Client > Load Balancer > Real Server but that's it.
- In a TCP dump on the Real Servers, I can see the traffic coming from  
the client and going back to the client but it never gets to them.
- When the client makes a request on the Virtual IP, it just hangs.
- The Real Servers already have the gateway setup as the default gateway.


I imagine this has been asked and answered a dozen times but I can't  
seem to find the answer other than seeing that many others have found  
the solution without posting the fix.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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