On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, Sean E. Millichamp wrote:
> Why can't it? All packets flow through it (I'm in NAT mode)..
in that case, never mind. I forget what an InActConn is in
NAT at the moment.
> If I know I can only support 25 Active connections to a
> real-server then how can I reliably pick a limit?
I wait till it overflows and then back off one at a time
> Maybe there is still something I am missing, but I feel
> like matching thresholds only on the active connection
> count should at least be a settable option.
There's only a few people using it so we don't have a lot of
experience with it. I think Ratz (who I expect is the author
of the threshhold code), is the only one I know who's using
it. If you want to try with ActConn, I don't see any reason
of the top of my head why you'd get into a whole lot of
trouble. I wouldn't treat the threshhold options as cast in
stone by supreme all knowing people. I think Ratz is the
only one who has been using it. (Ratz of course is all
knowing, but he was probably using LVS-DR.)
> I may look at what it would take for me to patch that
> behavior into my local IPVS module.
good luck. Let us know one way or another how it goes.
Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
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