I am trying to create a script that will create a web page of the routing table
using cron. I am using a command obtained in a previous email:
/sbin/ipvsadm | sed -e s/$/\<br\>/ > /var/www/active/index.html
I am trying to run this to create a web page that can be checked to see what
director is active and show the routing table. The script runs just fine if I
execute it. But when cron runs everything in the script runs except the
ipvsadm part, it just seems to not do anything. The cron job is being executed
by root and I have tried adding absolute paths (like /sbin/ipvsadm) and also
sourcing roots environment, adding exec and can't seem to get it to work.
So my question is the problem I am having more of a script problem and my
configuration, or is there something else I can add to the script so cron can
run this command.
Or is there another way or tool to accomplish what I am after.
TIA for any help.