On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 13:47 +0530, Venkatesh R wrote:
> [root@emu82 ha.d]# /sbin/ipvsadm -L -n
> IP Virtual Server version 1.0.8 (size=65536)
> Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
> -> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
> UDP wlc persistent 600
> -> Local 1 0 0
> -> Tunnel 1 0 0
...which all looks perfectly fine. When someone tries to make a UDp
connection to port 5060 on the VIP, what do you see? What's the output
from ipvsadm when that's happening?
Note also that SIP uses both TCP and UDP (assuming, from port 5060, that
you're trying to setup a SIP farm). It uses TCP for the registration and
command channel, UDP for data. The UDP part can move around dramatically
too, it isn't always on UDP/5060 (in fact it almost never is). Sip is a
beast to load balance.