
[lvs-users] solved: last FIN-ACK eaten (by iptables)

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lvs-users] solved: last FIN-ACK eaten (by iptables)
From: "Laurentiu C. Badea (L.C.)" <lc@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:24:03 -0700
I was writing this earlier as a problem report but since I solved it, I 
thought others may benefit from my waste of time.
I had a simple LVS-NAT configuration where LVS lives on a gateway:


LVS does run iptables but fairly open, INPUT allows all incoming traffic for the VIP, OUTPUT allows NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED states and FORWARD is open (for what it's worth, I think ipvs does not go through there at all). So that worked fine.
Until I noticed the real server has many connections in FIN_WAIT2 state. 
They have the same timeout as TIME_WAIT so I was gonna let it go, but 
then I looked at the client and all of them were in LAST_ACK state. The 
client kept resending FIN-ACKs, none of which made it to the server at 
all. On the LVS, ipvsadm -Lc shows connections in TIME_WAIT state so it 
did get them.
Well, long story short, the OUTPUT chain blocked *only* that FIN-ACK 
packet for some odd reason. I was sure that ipvs is shortcircuiting 
iptables and bypassing OUTPUT, but I guess I misinterpreted the little 
map in the HOWTO. All the other packets matched the "NEW" rule. This 
would would have ended up as INVALID probably. I am now adding rules to 
allow all OUTPUT towards the RIPs, stateless.
This is how it looked from the network side:
Incoming traffic to LVS (CIP->VIP)
  0.016862  CIP -> VIP HTTP HEAD / HTTP/1.1
  0.017193 VIP -> CIP  [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=117 Win=5888 Len=0
  0.021949 VIP -> CIP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
  0.022173 VIP -> CIP  [FIN, ACK] Seq=195 Ack=117 Win=5888 Len=0
  0.034046  CIP -> VIP [ACK] Seq=117 Ack=195 Win=6912 Len=0
 *0.046042  CIP -> VIP [FIN, ACK] Seq=117 Ack=196 Win=6912 Len=0*
the above packet does not make it, beyond here retransmits only
  0.250217 VIP -> CIP  [FIN, ACK] Seq=195 Ack=117 Win=5888 Len=0
  0.260110  CIP -> VIP [FIN, ACK] Seq=117 Ack=196 Win=6912 Len=0
0.267333 CIP -> VIP [TCP Dup ACK 11#1] [ACK] Seq=118 Ack=196 Win=6912 Len=0 SLE=195 SRE=196
  0.705855  CIP -> VIP [FIN, ACK] Seq=117 Ack=196 Win=6912 Len=0

Coming out the other end towards RIP:
  0.016847  CIP -> RIP HTTP HEAD / HTTP/1.1
  0.017119 RIP -> CIP  [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=117 Win=5888 Len=0
  0.021873 RIP -> CIP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
  0.022115 RIP -> CIP  [FIN, ACK] Seq=195 Ack=117 Win=5888 Len=0
  0.034021  CIP -> RIP [ACK] Seq=117 Ack=195 Win=6912 Len=0
only two retransmits seen:
  0.250147 RIP -> CIP  [FIN, ACK] Seq=195 Ack=117 Win=5888 Len=0
0.267312 CIP -> RIP [TCP Previous segment lost] [ACK] Seq=118 Ack=196 Win=6912 Len=0 SLE=195 SRE=196
The kernel is 2.6.20 with ipvsadm 1.24 (Fedora 5).


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