If all you're concerned is if there is a service listening on a
particular port, simply opening the connection and sending "quit" should
be sufficient. I do this for several grid-related services on our LVS
If you want to actually make sure that the service is listening *and*
giving back meaningful responses, you're on your own. ;-)
David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> I've so far failed googling this (for the obvious reason; what Microsoft
> web services people call "tcp" isn't what you mostly find on the web
> googling that term). There's a Windows protocol they prefer to SOAP for
> RPC that they call TCP. It's not enough like http for the default send
> and expect monitoring strings to work, and it doesn't say anything when
> you make a telnet connect to it, and it doesn't respond to anything I've
> tried sending it yet (other than by disconnecting). Does anybody know a
> useful short chat script for verifying the service is up, or a fuller form
> of the name that might yield useful google hits, or anything else useful
> for solving this?
> If I had a working example I'd be using tcpdump, and I suppose it may come
> to that, but right now the port isn't open because the nanny script is
> failing.
Dan Yocum
Fermilab 630.840.6509
yocum@xxxxxxxx, http://fermigrid.fnal.gov
Fermilab. Just zeros and ones.