Hi friends, i've attached a new functionality to my ldirectord, the
capability of test if an SSH port is listening and based on that redirect
the trafic or not.
Basically i create a new sub called check_ssh, look up the code and feel
free to correct me if something is worng :)
sub check_ssh {
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
my ($v, $r) = @_;
my $sock;
my $s;
my $buf;
my $port=(defined $$v{checkport}?$$v{checkport}:$$r{port});
my $status = 1;
&ld_debug(2, "Checking ssh server=$$r{server} port=$port");
unless ($sock = new
IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr=>$$r{server},PeerPort=>$port,Proto=>'tcp') ){
service_set($v, $r, "down");
return 1;
service_set($v, $r, "up");
$status = 0;
service_set($v, $r, "down");
$s = IO::Select->new();
return $status;
Ariel M. Liguori
Buenos Aires, Argentina.