
Re: [lvs-users] VIP adresses remaining on Keepalived backup

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [lvs-users] VIP adresses remaining on Keepalived backup
From: Siim Põder <windo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2008 13:17:23 +0200

gastruc@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> After an error in keepalived configuration on backup server, it is left
> with all the VIP addresses:

What kind of error in configuration?

If - for example - you kill keepalived with -9, it will leave all
addresses there. And if you restart keepalived later on, it will refuse
to manage those addresses - probably for safety (not to touch what it
hasn't created). IMO this causes more trouble than good - why would you
be touching keepalived-managed addresses manually if you weren't asking
for trouble? You can always change the configuration and force
keepalived to make the changes you want.

There are/were some bugs with keepalived and reload and it doesn't
handle configuration errors well so your problem certanly doesn't
suprise me.

When this happens, I usually kill keepalived and remove all the
(non-administrative) addresses manually (as you have a bunch, it may be
wise to have a script laying around for that). Then restart keepalived
to re-add the addresses (and claim ownership of them) or stay in standby
if it's the backup node.


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