Hi all,
I've set up a three-node (Apache 2.2/RHEL 5.3) web cluster with an LVS-LB
(CentOS 5.2) in front and NFS storage in the back. I'm using keepalived on the
LB. The hardware is identical and everything Apache (content and web server)
lives on two NFS shares on a fourth node.
I'm doing a load test now using The Grinder with four load test clients. The
problem I'm facing is an extremely uneven distribution of ActiveConn on the
real servers:
[root@lvst1 ~]# ipvsadm -L -n
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP 194.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 rr
-> 192.168.xxx.xxx:80 Masq 1 137 421
-> 192.168.xxx.xxx:80 Masq 1 203 509
-> 192.168.xxx.xxx:80 Masq 1 0 630
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP 194.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 rr
-> 192.168.xxx.xxx:80 Masq 1 232 424
-> 192.168.xxx.xxx:80 Masq 1 5 418
-> 192.168.xxx.xxx:80 Masq 1 3 419
The configuration is as easy as it gets:
[root@lvst1 ~]# cat lvs.conf
-A -t vs:http -s rr
-a -t vs:http -r node1:http -m -w 1
-a -t vs:http -r node2:http -m -w 1
-a -t vs:http -r node3:http -m -w 1
So persistence is disabled. The problem is of course the web servers are
getting very uneven load, one is doing all the work while the others are idling
I'm now testing with the ll scheduler and now ActiveConn are exactly balanced.
Is there any reason to not use ll? I've seen Willy's statement about ll not
being suitable for a web server.
It might just be me lacking in-depth understanding but I would be grateful if
somebody could give me a hand. I've already tried to digest all the How-To
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