On Thu, 2010-01-28 at 15:57 +0100, Oriol Martí wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm setting up a LVS with the Red Hat Cluster Suite, I have setted up
> for one public IP with NAT and with one private subnet. My problem
> arrives when I configure another public IP, because the private subnet
> and the NIC (private too) of this service has to be different from the
> last one.
> For the first public IP that I've configured, there is the parameter
> nat_router, that I've configured like eth0:1, my idea is
> to configure this parameter with multiple IP's and NIC's. For example:
> [ eth0:1, eth1:1] but this is not possible.
> Somebody can help me?
My guess is that people on this list might be able to help you, but
unfortunately RHCS isn't well known with everybody. Also, i don't
understand why you're using RHCS for something so basic, but okay. You
could try the RedHat mailinglists (go for the 'piranha' list(s)) or set
up the LVS another way.
Maybe you could first explain what you're trying to accomplish?
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