On Fri, 2010-11-12 at 18:38 +0700, Suchada Pakapongpan wrote:
> In my LVS has many real server ip address (RIP) and I'd like to get
> ActiveConn value of some RIP to calculate.
> I'd like to know how ipvsadm to get only ActiveConn value by identifying RIP
> x.x.x.x ?
There is no option to ipvsadm to do that, but SysAdmin 101 would have
you do something like this:
For RIP == port 80
ipvsadm -Lnc | egrep -c "ESTABLISHED.+"
To make it even more fine-grained, for example if you have many VIPs
using the same RIPs:
For For RIP == port 80, VIP == port 80
ipvsadm -Lnc | egrep -c "ESTABLISHED.+"
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