On Thu, 2010-11-25 at 10:40 +0000, Suchada Pakapongpan wrote:
> Hi, Léon
> Thanks for your reply.
> I think I configure it to periodically check every 2 minutes to all
> realservers already. when I start realserver, LVS table always auto adjust
> the weigth. My ldirectord.cf here
> checktimeout=10
> checkinterval=2
This is every 2 seconds, not minutes. Try changing it to 120 instead.
> autoreload=no
> #logfile="/var/log/ldirectord.log"
> logfile="local0"
> quiescent=yes
> virtual=
> fallback=
> real= gate
> real= gate
> real= gate
> service=http
> request="ldirector.html"
> receive="Test Page"
> scheduler=wlc
> protocol=tcp
> checktype=negotiate
> but I don't know why starting some real web server during http test, I always
> get 5xx error?
> and how can I get away from this errors?
I would suggest you take a look at the webserver error logs first. Your
problem might not be LVS related.
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