
Re: [lvs-users] LVS RR becomes unbalanced after time

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [lvs-users] LVS RR becomes unbalanced after time
From: Victor Sartori <victor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 10:42:40 -0300
Hi Luc,

Same problem, same topology, but using debian 6 and keepalive 1.2.2 ....
without solution yet......



2011/7/4 Luc van Donkersgoed <luc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hi all,
> I'm running a small apache cluster (2 loadbalancers in active-passive
> setup, 2 realservers serving HTTP and HTTPS).
> All machines are Dell PowerEdge (R200 and R410 series), not older than 2
> years, running Ubuntu 11.04 with all packages updated.
> My loadbalancers are configured with:
> Heartbeat 3.0.4
> Linux Director v1.186-ha
> ipvsadm v1.25 2008/5/15 (compiled with popt and IPVS v1.2.1)
> ==== ====
> checktimeout=10
> checkinterval=2
> autoreload=no
> logfile="local0"
> quiescent=no
> virtual=x.y.z.141:80
>        real=x.y.z.135:80 gate 50
>        real=x.y.z.136:80 gate 50
>        fallback= gate
>        service=http
>        request="ldirector.html"
>        receive="Test Page"
>        scheduler=wrr
>        protocol=tcp
>        checktype=negotiate
> virtual=x.y.z.141:443
>        real=x.y.z.135:443 gate 50
>        real=x.y.z.136:443 gate 50
>        fallback= gate
>        service=https
>        request="ldirector.html"
>        receive="Test Page"
>        scheduler=wrr
>        protocol=tcp
>        checktype=negotiate
> ====  ipvsadm -ln ====
> IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
> Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
>  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
> TCP  x.y.z.141:80 wrr
>  -> x.y.z.135:80             Route   50     110        51
>  -> x.y.z.136:80             Route   50     103        59
> TCP  x.y.z.141:443 wrr
>  -> x.y.z.135:443            Route   50     12         14
>  -> x.y.z.136:443            Route   50     12         6
> ==== the problem ====
> When I (re)start my loadbalancer, the load is evenly balanced over my two
> realservers. The output of ipvsadm -ln is at that moment comparable to the
> output above. This is all as I would expert. Then, after somewhere between
> 30 minutes and 2 hours, the results of ipvsadm -ln changes to something like
> this, while the load on the webservers does not significantly change:
> IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
> Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
>  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
> TCP  x.y.z.141:80 wrr
>  -> x.y.z.135:80             Route   50     0        1
>  -> x.y.z.136:80             Route   50     1        1
> TCP  x.y.z.141:443 wrr
>  -> x.y.z.135:443            Route   50     2         1
>  -> x.y.z.136:443            Route   50     1         0
> Around the same time, the loadbalancer seems to become unbalanced, sending
> all requests to one server. This is not always the same server, it seems to
> be random. This server then becomes heavily loaded, while the other server
> is idling. After a while (perhaps 30 minutes) the loadbalancer starts to
> send packages to the unused realserver again. A little while after that, the
> balance tips again, often preferring the other server this time.
> The problem is always solved by restarting heartbeat, at which time the
> other loadbalancer takes over and starts to distribute the load evenly
> again. Then, after a while, this server starts to display the same issue.
> A source for my problem might be found when running ipvsadm -ln --stats,
> which displays the following:
> IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
> Prot LocalAddress:Port               Conns   InPkts  OutPkts  InBytes
> OutBytes
>  -> RemoteAddress:Port
> TCP  x.y.z.141:80                20899   198954        0 21196756        0
>  -> x.y.z.135:80                10449   101877        0 10743318        0
>  -> x.y.z.136:80                10450    97077        0 10453438        0
> TCP  x.y.z.141:443                2852    46171        0  8971996        0
>  -> x.y.z.135:443                1426    23411        0  4485847        0
>  -> x.y.z.136:443                1426    22760        0  4486149        0
> This would suggest that the number of connections are still evenly
> distributed over the two realservers, even if the realservers themselves
> don't agree.
> Can anyone help me locate the reason for the round robin scheduler not
> distributing my requests evenly?
> Thanks in advance,
> Luc van Donkersgoed
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