I've been experimenting with a slightly non standard lvs cluster arrangement.
I have a set of combined real servers/real clients (each machine has both
services and clients) and two machines running lvs as a cluster.
All machines are connected directly to the same two networks: frontend and
The real servers/real clients connect to a service ip on the lvs machines on
the frontend network.
The lvs machines run in masq mode and connect to the real servers/real clients
on the backend network.
I've configured policy routing on the real servers/real clients backend
interfaces to return traffic via a second gateway on the lvs hosts.
This works very well except when a real server/real client connects to its own
backend interface via the lvs cluster ip.
I guessing that the local host route means that instead of returning the
traffic via the backend gateway on the lvs it tries to go directly locally.
Tcpdump appears to support this guess and if I turn on martian logging I can
see the traffic.
Initially I thought that reverse path filtering was preventing operation but
the problem remained when it was disabled.
Turning on routing had not beneficial effect either.
Ideally I would like to setup routing to override the local table when the
policy routing rules are applied, but I'm not sure how.
So far attempts to to do this have failed
Has anyone managed to do this?
Its more of a routing question so apologies for being slightly off topic.
Best Regards
Dean Scothern
Dr Dean Scothern
[Description: Eduserv]
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