

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Question
From: hack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:51:04 -0400 (EDT)
Hi folks,

The ISP in the Netherlands that I'm currently working for, want me to implement 
a scalable, high available (load balancing) mailserver. I have been looking 
around and think the best way to do this is by having a daemon listen to port 
110 (POP3). This daemon will first ask the user's name and then handle the 
traffic between the selected mailserver (the one with, for example, the lowest 
traffic) and the user. I have a few questions, maybe you folks can help me:

- Since this daemon will be a SPOF (single point of failure), what do I have to 
pay extra attention to?

- Am I right when I think that there will be a maximum of 30,000 users at the 
same time (since the daemon will have to open both sockets to the user and the 
mailserver)? Can DNS be used as a solution for this?

- Does anyone know of a daemon (or any software in general) that does something 
similar to what I want to do or an URL with more info on this subject (POP3 

Any help is appreciated!

Greetings, Norbert de Jonge

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